DB Version Enhancement Release Notes

Release Date: 6/6/2011

Following is a summary of the requirements, feature requests, enhancements and corrections included in the Tenmast Software Enhancement Release with the release date of 6/6/2011.

Accounts Payable Release Notes

Applicant List Release Notes

Check Reconciliation Release Notes

Consumable Inventory Release Notes

Consumable Inventory (Handheld) Release Notes

Custom Report Writer Release Notes

Fixed Assets Release Notes

Form Letters Release Notes

General Ledger Release Notes

Inspections (Handheld) Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Public Housing Desktop Inspections Release Notes

Purchase Order Release Notes

Section 8 Desktop Inspections Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant & Landlord Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

Work Order Release Notes

Work Order (Handheld) Release Notes

Accounts Payable

Program Version:

Program Date: 5/11/2011

Feature Request

1. You now have the ability to create a zero dollar pre-note of vendor ACH information to submit to the bank to verify the validity of the ACH information before the live ACH file is sent. For more information, please see the Setting Up, Generating, and Approving ACH Pre-Notes for Vendors Quick Start Guide. (Case 426)

Working with direct deposit (ACH) pre-notes involves three main tasks:

1. Set up ACH pre-notes for the appropriate vendor(s).

Path: Main Menu screen > Vendor > Browse Vendors screen > Maintain Vendors screen > Main tab > Vendor Direct Deposit Information icon > Direct Deposit Wizard (Step 1) > Pre-note checkbox

2. Generate the pre-note file to send to bank.

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Bank Account > Select Bank Account screen > ACH Pre-Note icon > Browse ACH Pre-Notes screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Generate ACH Pre-Notes > Generate ACH Pre-Note Wizard

3. Approve the pre-note verification to remove pre-note status on vendor(s).

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Bank Account > Select Bank Account screen > ACH Pre-Note icon > Browse ACH Pre-Notes screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Approve ACH Pre-Notes > Approve ACH Pre-Note Wizard


1. If bank account is selected as a report filter, the bank account name will now display on all report headers. (Case 220)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Accounts Payable Report Menu screen

2. You are now able to view any custom reports built for accounts payable within the Accounts Payable program. (Case 221)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Accounts Payable Report Menu screen > Custom Reports tab

Note: If you have custom reports which you want to view in the Accounts Payable program, it must be part of the "Payables Reports" group in the Custom Report Writer program and you must have access to view that group. For more information on how to accomplish this, please contact Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

3. We have added amounts for total payments by check, total payments by ACH, and total number of spoiled checks at the bottom of the Pre-Check Listing Report. (Case 222)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Accounts Payable Report Menu screen > Payables tab

4. For reprinting purposes, the Pre-Check Listing Report is now accessible from the main reports screen. (Case 295)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Accounts Payable Report Menu screen > Payables tab

5. You now have the option to NOT create open invoices for voided checks. By default, the Create Open Invoices? checkbox in the Void Checks Wizard will be checked so open invoices are created. You only need to uncheck this checkbox if you do not want to create open invoices for the voided checks. (Case 341)

Note: An un-accrued invoices batch will be created in General Ledger if any of the participating invoices were accrued.

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Process Checks Wizard > Void Posted Checks icon > Void Checks screen > Void Posted Checks icon > Void Checks Wizard (Step 1) > Create Open Invoices? checkbox

6. You are now able to specify a void date in the Void Checks Wizard. The date defaults to today's date and must be after the check date. (Case 342)

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Process Checks Wizard > Void Posted Checks icon > Void Checks screen > Void Posted Checks icon > Void Checks Wizard (Step 1) > Void Date field

7. Accessing the View Paid Invoice screen was taking 2-3 minutes.This has been accelerated and the screen now opens within a few seconds. (Case 443)

Path: Main Menu screen > Vendor > Browse Vendors screen > Maintain Vendor screen > Check History tab > View Invoice Detail icon > View Paid Invoices screen

Bug Reports

1. If multiple bank accounts were involved while accruing an invoice, one journal voucher per date was being created and the originating fund was discarded. This has been corrected and a separate journal voucher per date per originating fund is now correctly created. (Case 284)

Path: Main Menu screen > Accrue > Accrue Payables screen

2. After editing the debit account number for the invoice line item of existing invoices and then saving, the debit account number for the allocation detail was not updating to the changed account.. This has been corrected. (Case 442)

Path: Main Menu screen > Invoice > Browse Invoices screen > Maintain Invoice Detail screen > Show/Hide Detail Panel icon > Allocation Detail sub-tab > Allocation Detail grid > Debit Account Number field

Applicant List

Program Version:

Program Date: 6/3/2011


1. You are now able to print a Form HUD 50058 for an applicant in the Applicant List program. (Case 215)

Path: Main Menu screen > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicants screen > Applicant tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Edit Applicant Details > Applicant Detail screen > Main/Household/Income/Assets/Expenses/References tabs > Print F50058 icon

2. We have updated Form HUD 52646 (Voucher) to display the new expiration date of 4/30/2014. (Case 470, Case 473)

Path: Main Menu screen > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicants screen > Unit Offers/Vouchers tab > Print Reports/Preview Reports icon > Print Voucher (reprint only)/Preview Voucher (reprint only)

Path: Main Menu screen > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicants screen > Lists Applied For tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Issue Voucher > Issue Voucher Wizard

3. We have updated Form HUD 9887/9887A to display the new expiration date of 6/30/2012. (Case 489)

Path: Main Menu screen > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicants screen > Applicant tab > Print Reports/Preview Reports icon drop-down list

Bug Reports

1. The program allowed you to create a child care expense for households that didn't have children. This has been corrected. (Case 275)

Path: Main Menu screen > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicants screen > Applicant tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Edit Applicant Details > Applicant Detail screen > Expenses tab > Add icon > Add Expense Wizard

2. When attempting to view an applicant's details immediately after housing a different applicant, the following error appeared: "F59Set table can not be found". This has been corrected. (Case 224)

Path: Main Menu screen > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicants screen > Applicant tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Edit Applicant Details

3. After recording an applicant's unit offer rejection, if your agency's waiting list repositioning policy was zero days added to the current date for the applicant's new application date and time, one day was still being added. This has been corrected and if the number of days is set to zero, the current date and time will be set as the applicant's new application date and time. You maintain your repositioning policy in the Setup area of the program. (Case 218)

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Set Up Applicant List screen > Waiting Lists tab > Offer/Voucher Information sub-tab

4. We have corrected and enhanced the Voucher Issuance/Expiration Report. The report was not totaling the number of voided vouchers. This has been corrected.

The accepted and rejected offers summary line on the report, as well as the accepted and rejected labels on the summary portion of the report, were not needed and have been removed. We have also added a summary total and percentage for voided vouchers. (Case 217)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Applicant List Report screen > List Management tab

5. After making a unit offer from the waiting list, the unit offer activity was not being added to the Application Activity tab and the Open Offer/Voucher status message did not appear on the Lists Applied for tab for the applicant. This has been corrected. (Case 332)

Path: Main Menu screen > Waiting Lists > Process Waiting Lists screen > Tools icon drop-down list > Make Unit Offer > Make Unit Offer Wizard

6. We have corrected formatting errors found in Form HUD 52646 (Tenant Voucher). (Case 219)

Path: Main Menu screen > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicants screen > Unit Offers/Vouchers tab > Print/Print Preview icon drop-down list > Preview Voucher (Reprint Only)

7. To accommodate clients who create waiting lists for transfers, you are now able to remove applicants with open unit offers from a waiting list. (Case 216)

Path: Main Menu screen > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicants screen > Lists Applied For tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Remove from Waiting List > Remove from Waiting List Wizard

Check Reconciliation

Program Version:

Program Date: 4/6/2011

Bug Report

1. Previously, the program did not allow manual distributions to include negative amounts and duplicate accounts. Because of this, actual transactions were not reflected. This has been corrected and you can now enter negative amounts and duplicate accounts. (Case 225, Case 226)

Path: Main Menu screen > Maintain > Select Bank Account screen > Select button > Maintain Transactions screen > Edit icon > Maintain Register Checks screen > Manually Distribute button > Manual Distribution screen

Path: Main Menu screen > Maintain > Select Bank Account screen > Select button > Maintain Transactions screen > Add icon > Add Register Transaction Wizard (Step 2)

Consumable Inventory

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/31/2011


1. You are now able to view any custom reports built for consumable inventory within the Consumable Inventory program. (Case 227)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Consumable Inventory Report screen > Custom Reports tab

Note: If you have custom reports which you want to view in the Consumable Inventory program, it must be part of the "Consumable Inventory Reports" group in the Custom Report Writer program and you must have access to view that group. For more information on how to accomplish this, please contact Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

Bug Report

1. When adding an item, an error message would appear if you didn't manually enter a quantity, even if you didn't change the quantity from the already displayed "0". This has been corrected. (Case 333)

Path: Main Menu screen > Items > Browse Consumable Inventory Items screen > Add icon > Add Item Wizard (Step 2)

Consumable Inventory (Handheld)

Bug Report

1. After issuing or returning items to work orders, item quantities were not properly updating. This has been corrected. (Case 378)

Custom Report Writer

Program Version:

Program Date: 8/12/2010

Feature Request

1. You can now add purchased, transferred, and disposed fixed assets to custom reports. (Case 318)

For more information on how to build a custom report with this information, please contact Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.


1. You can now add statement contact information to custom reports and form letters using the new Statement Contact field in the data dictionary. This new field is associated with the Tenant Accounts Receivable program and contained in the "Rec Stmt Header for Printing" table. (Case 228)

For more information on how to build a custom report with this information, please contact Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

Fixed Assets

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/22/2011

Feature Request

1. You can now filter the Fixed Asset Listing Report, Posted Depreciation Report, and Fully Depreciated Report by site and location. The Full Depreciated Report can now also be filtered by a specific date range. (Case 230)

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Fixed Asset Reports screen

Form Letters

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/31/2011

Feature Request

1. When adding a signature to a form letter, the phone number of the selected employee is now displayed. (Case 231)

Path: Main Menu screen > Form Letters > Process Form Letters screen > Add icon > Generate Form Letter Wizard (Step 6) > Signature Description drop-down list/Select Signature to Insert screen

Note: This new feature request is available in all programs where form letters can be generated: Form Letters, Accounts Payable, Tenant Accounts Receivable, Occupancy and Rent Calculation, and PH/S8 Inspections.


1. You can now add statement contact information to custom reports and form letters using the new Statement Contact field in the data dictionary. This new field is associated with the Tenant Accounts Receivable program and contained in the "Rec Stmt Header for Printing" table. (Case 228)

For more information on how to build a form letter with this information, please contact Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

General Ledger

Program Version:

Program Date: 6/1/2011


1. We have enhanced the Journal Entry Distribution table in the Add Journal Entries Wizard in three ways: (Case 233)

Path: Main Menu screen > JEs > Browse Batches screen > Maintain Batches screen > Edit icon drop-down list > JV > Add Journal Entries Wizard (Step 2)

2. FDS calculated fields change by report/subsidy type. For example, FDS code 70600 is directly entered (not calculated) as 70600 for the Public Housing FDS report, but is calculated as 70600-010 and 70600-020 for the Section 8 FDS report. To address the need for multiple calculations for a single code, we added a new series of FDS codes that end in “-000.” These new codes should only be assigned to accounts where the FDS code is not calculated in some reports, but is calculated on other reports. For example, accounts reported as 70600 on the Public Housing FDS report should use 70600-000 because 70600 is not calculated there, but accounts reported as 70600 on the Section 8 FDS report should use 70600-010 or 70600-020. (Case 292)

Caution! Incorrect use of the new codes can produce incorrect FDS reports.

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Ledger and HUD Reports screen > General tab

Bug Reports

1. Account masks were not working properly for several reports located on the General tab of the Ledger and HUD Reports screen. This has been corrected. (Case 234)

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Ledger and HUD Reports screen > General tab

2. Mass updating of account types was not working for account masks. This has been corrected. (Case 384)

Path: Main Menu screen > Accounts > Browse Accounts screen > Tools icon drop-down list > Mass Update Account Types > Mass Update Account Types screen

3. A red box error sometimes occurred when adding accounts. This has been corrected. (Case 482)

Path: Main Menu screen > Accounts > Browse Accounts screen > Add icon > Add Account Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Accounts > Browse Accounts screen > Maintain Accounts screen > Main tab > Add icon > Add Account Wizard

PH and S8 Inspections (Handheld)

Bug Report

1. After syncing, an error occurred when attempting to create transaction type 13 eTrans records for unit move outs. This has been corrected. (Case 479)

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Program Version:

Program Date: 6/3/2011


1. Form HUD 52641 (HAP Contract) has been updated with the latest release from HUD Clips, which includes a new privacy statement and expiration date of 4/30/2014. (Case 309)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen

2. Form HUD 50059 has been updated with the formatting changes made to the form on the HUD web site. (Case 469)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen

3. We have updated Form HUD 9887/9887A to display the new expiration date of 6/30/2012. (Case 308)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen

Bug Reports

1. The head of household was incorrect if the household had more than one member on eTrans records for transaction type 13 - Annual HQS Inspection Only certifications. This has been corrected. (Case 306)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Finalize Certification icon > Finalize Certification Wizard

2. An error sometimes occurred after moving a Section 8 tenant to another data area after finalizing a new admission certification. If you chose to not create adjustments after finalization, but then selected to move in the tenant with prorated checks, the prorated amounts you entered in the Move to Another Area Wizard incorrectly updated the To Be Paid field in Section 8 Tenant & Landlord, instead of being added as adjustments. This has been corrected. (Case 307)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Move to Another Area (Truck) icon > Move to Another Area Wizard


Program Version:

Program Date: 4/28/2011

Feature Request

1. You now have the ability to create a zero dollar pre-note of employee ACH information to submit to the bank to verify the validity of the ACH information before the live ACH file is sent. For more information, please see the Setting Up, Generating, and Approving ACH Pre-Notes for Employees Quick Start Guide. (Case 427)

Working with direct deposit (ACH) pre-notes involves three main tasks:

1. Set up ACH pre-notes for the appropriate employee(s).

Path: Main Menu screen > Maintain > Browse Employees screen > Maintain Employee screen > General tab > Pre-note checkbox

2. Generate the pre-note file to send to bank.

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Bank Account > Select Bank Account screen > ACH Pre-Note icon > Browse ACH Pre-Notes screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Generate ACH Pre-Notes > Generate ACH Pre-Note Wizard

3. Approve the pre-note verification to remove pre-note status on employee(s).

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Bank Account > Select Bank Account screen > ACH Pre-Note icon > Browse ACH Pre-Notes screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Approve ACH Pre-Notes > Approve ACH Pre-Note Wizard


1. We have added amounts for total payments by check, total payments by ACH, and total number of spoiled checks at the bottom of the Pre-Check Listing Report. (Case 222)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employee tab

2. For reprinting purposes, the Pre-Check Listing Report is now accessible from the main reports screen. (Case 295)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employee tab

3. You are now able to specify a void date in the Void Checks Wizard. The date defaults to today's date and must be after the check date. (Case 343)

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Process Checks Wizard > Void Posted Checks icon > Void Checks screen > Void Posted Checks icon > Void Checks Wizard (Step 1) > Void Date field

Bug Reports

1. You were unable to delete an item/record added to either the Compensation or Deductions tabs. This has been corrected. (Case 294)

Path: Main Menu screen > Maintain > Browse Employees screen > Maintain Employee screen > Compensation/Deductions tabs > Delete icon

2. After selecting to remove unused compensation and deduction types, the compensation and deduction types were not being removed for employees who did not have a history of ever using them. This has been corrected. (Case 293)

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Payroll Setup Form screen > Unused Comp. & Ded. button

Public Housing Desktop Inspections

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/31/2011


1. We have added an Inspector column to the Requested Inspections report. (Case 239)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Inspections Reports screen > General tab > Requested Inspections report

Purchase Order

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/30/2011


1. You can now view item stock numbers when receiving items for a purchase order, adding requisitions, and adding quotes. (Case 240)

Path: Main Menu screen > Receive PO > Browse Orders screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Add Received Items > Add Received Item Wizard (Step 2) > Item Information table > Stock # column

Path: Main Menu screen > Receive PO > Browse Orders screen > Maintain Orders screen > Received tab > Wizard icon drop-down list > Receiving Items > Add Received Item Wizard (Step 2) > Item Information table > Stock # column

Path: Main Menu screen > Quotes > Browse Quotes screen > Add icon > Create New Quote Wizard (Step 2) > Selected Requests table > Stock # column

Path: Main Menu screen > Requisitions > Browse Requisitions screen > Add icon > Create New Requisition Wizard (Step 2) > Selected Requests table > Stock # column

Section 8 Desktop Inspections

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/31/2011


1. We have added an Inspector column to the Requested Inspections report. (Case 239)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Inspections Reports screen > General tab > Requested Inspections report

Bug Report

1. After scheduling a reinspection by changing the Schedule Date, the scheduled reinspection was not automatically updating in the inspections calendar. This has been corrected. (Case 336)

Path: Main Menu screen > Edit/Delete > Browse Inspections screen > Inspection Detail screen > Main tab > Calendar icon > Inspections Calendar screen

Path: Main Menu screen > Calendar > Inspections Calendar screen

Section 8 Tenant & Landlord

Program Version:

Program Date: 6/3/2011

Feature Request

1. You are now able to abate HAP or URP payments. For more information, please see the Abating HAPs/URPs Quick Start Guide. (Case 291)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Tools menu > HAP Abatement/URP Abatement > Abatement Wizard


1. It is now mandatory to specify a VMS date when adding an adjustment from the Check Adjustments tab on the Maintain Landlords screen. (Case 299)

Path: Main Menu screen > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Check Adjustments tab > Add icon

2. You are now able to edit existing adjustments on the Payment Info tab. (Case 304)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab > Check Adjustments grid > Edit icon

3. You now have the ability to create a zero dollar pre-note of tenant and landlord ACH information to submit to the bank to verify the validity of the ACH information before the live ACH file is sent. (Case 246)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Data tab > Direct Deposit Setup icon > Direct Deposit Wizard (Step 1) > Pre-note checkbox

Path: Main Menu screen > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Landlord Data tab > Pre-note checkbox

Note: The approve, browse, and generate ACH prenote tasks are available as program tasks in Master Setup that must be assigned/unassigned to specific users in your organization. For more information on how to set up user security, please see the Setting Up User Security Quick Start Guide. Or, call Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

Note: For more information, please see the Setting Up, Generating and Approving ACH Pre Notes for Tenants and Setting Up, Generating and Approving ACH Pre Notes for Landlords Quick Start Guides.

4. We have increased the speed and enhanced the workflow of the Section 8 Check Processing task in the following ways: (Case 454)

Note: The access to edit ACH file location task is available as a program task in Master Setup that must be assigned/unassigned to specific users in your organization. For more information on how to set up user security, please see the Setting Up User Security Quick Start Guide. Or, call Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

Note: For more information, please see the Section 8 Check Processing Quick Start Guide.

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Check Processing Wizard

5. The Pre-initialization Report now displays a note if a tenant is marked as searching for a unit or if either their HAP or URP is on hold. (Case 448)

Path: Main Menu screen > Initialize > Section 8 Monthly Initialization Wizard (Step 4)

6. You now have the option to not create adjustments when a tenant's abatement is ended because of a final fail move out. (Case 435)

Note: For more information, please see the Abating HAPs/URPs Quick Start Guide.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Tools menu > HAP Abatement/URP Abatement > Abatement Wizard (Step 1) > Final Fail Move Out checkbox

7. When abating HAPs/URPs, you now have the option to create a second adjustment if the checks have been printed at the time the abatement is being started or ended. (Case 463)

Note: For more information, please see the Abating HAPs/URPs Quick Start Guide.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Tools menu > HAP Abatement/URP Abatement > Abatement Wizard (Step 1) > Have Checks been printed for the <Current Month>? checkbox

8. We have added a new policy that allows you to choose which ACH Statement to use: the statement your agency created in Custom Report Writer, or the default excess voucher form . The new policy description is “Use ACH Statement or Use the Default Excess Voucher.” If set to True, the ACH Statement created in Custom Report Writer will be used and this step appears. If set to False, the default excess voucher/ACH form will be used and the Print ACH Statements step in the Check Processing Wizard will NOT appear. Policies and the default ACH form are managed in the Setup area of the program. (Case 471)

Main Menu screen > Setup > Section 8 Setup screen > Policies > Browse Policies screen > Maintain Policies screen

Main Menu screen > Setup > Section 8 Setup screen > General > Default Settings tab > General sub-tab > Default ACH Form drop-down list

9. You are now able to specify a void date in the Void Checks Wizard. The date defaults to today's date and must be after the check date. (Case 475)

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Check Processing Wizard > Void Posted Checks icon > View Printed Checks for screen > Void Posted Checks icon > Void Checks Wizard (Step 1) > Void Date field

10. When attempting to delete an adjustment for a tenant who does not have any adjustments, the following message will now appear: "There are no adjustments to delete." Previously, an "Are you sure you want to delete the selected adjustment?" message appeared in this instance. (Case 300)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab > Check Adjustments grid > Delete icon

Bug Reports

1. The landlord name was sometimes overlapping the tenant name on the URP Check Adjustments report. This has been corrected. (Case 296)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Tenants tab > URP Check Adjustments report

2. Previously, the URP Check Adjustments report incorrectly included all tenants who receive a URP. This has been corrected so only tenants with adjustments will now display. (Case 297)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Tenants tab > URP Check Adjustments report

3. We have corrected the way the program handles deleting tenants and marking tenants for deletion who still have unpaid amounts. Previously, if you tried to mark a tenant for deletion who still had an amount unpaid displayed in the To Be Paid field, the program would not allow it. If you added an adjustment to offset the unpaid amount, the program still would not allow you to mark for deletion. If you used the Delete icon to delete the tenant to History, the process appeared to work and a message stated that the unpaid amounts will remain unpaid. However, the tenant was not successfully deleted to History.

Now, when deleting tenants/marking tenants for deletion to History who have unpaid amounts, a message states there are outstanding adjustments that need to be disposed before moving the tenant to History can be accomplished. After then deleting the adjustments and again deleting/marking the tenant for deletion, you are prompted to specify a termination date and enter a reason in the Comment fields in order complete the process. (Case 302)

Note: The deleted/completed adjustment will display on the Completed Adjustments Report and the tenant will display on the Marked for Deletion Report

Note: For more information, please see the Deleting Tenants to History Quick Start Guide.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Data tab > Delete/Mark Tenant for Deletion icons

4. It is now mandatory to specify a VMS date when adding/editing adjustments during check processing. (Case 298)

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Check Processing Wizard (Step 6) > Maintain Check Adjustment screen

5. The Adjustment Next Check field on the Payment Info tab was not recalculating when adjustments were added/updated for tenants in the Occupancy and Rent Calculation program. This has been corrected. (Case 301)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab > Adjustment Next Check field

6. If you tried to delete adjustments that were added/updated for tenants in the Occupancy and Rent Calculation program, an "invalid key" error message appeared. This has been corrected. (Case 305)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab > Check Adjustments grid > Delete icon

7. We have corrected the way the program handles the application and undoing of changes made for the tenant in Occupancy and Rent Calculation in the current month. After applying ORC changes, all updated amounts are automatically added as adjustments (instead of updating To Be Paid amounts). Additionally, after undoing the last ORC tenant change, the last created adjustment will be removed (instead of the last To Be Paid amount). (Case 250, Case 303)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > ORC Changes tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Apply ORC Tenant Changes/Undo Last ORC Tenant Change

8. The ORC Tenant Changes report now displays the correct assistance payment and utility reimbursement amounts if a tenant has been abated. (Case 451)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Initialization tab

9. The totals on the URP Check Adjustments report were not balancing correctly because outgoing portable URPs were not being included. The outgoing portable URP amounts have been added and this issue has been corrected. (Case 249)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Tenants tab > URP Check Adjustments report

10. Previously, it was difficult to balance the Pre-Check report with initialization reports. This has been corrected and to easily identify discrepancies between the processes, totals have been added to the back pages of the Monthly Pre-Initialization report, URP Checks on Hold report and Pre-Check report. (Case 247)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Initialization/Tenants tab

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Check Processing Wizard (Step 7) > Print Pre Check Report

Tenant Accounts Receivable

Program Version:

Program Date: 6/2/2011

Feature Request

1. We have clarified how FSS escrow transactions are displayed in the program so the tenant and HA portions are clearly defined. Now, depending on the rent and FSS credit amounts, an "FSS Escrow (Tenant Portion)" and/or "FSS Escrow (HA Portion)" transaction(s) is applied to the tenant accounts receivable (AR) account. Also, a recurring FSS Due transaction is applied to the FSS account with line item(s) showing the "FSS Escrow (Tenant Portion)" and/or "FSS Escrow (HA Portion)." These more explanatory labels are then displayed in the program on the Account Summary/Account Details tab. (Case 260, Case 262)

Note: For more information, please see the Tenant Accounts Receivable Online Help Center accessible from TenCentral.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Summary/Account Details tab


1. We have increased the speed of the program when using the Next and Previous toolbar icons on the Account Details tab. (Case 271)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Details tab

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Details tab

2. To avoid confusion, we have removed the totals line from the bottom of the transactions grid on the Recurring Transactions tab. (Case 272)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Recurring Transactions tab

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen >Recurring Transactions tab

3. We have added the development identification number on the Maintain Development screen. (Case 273)

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > General Settings, Developments, Units tab > Development > Browse Developments screen > Maintain Development screen > Development ID field

4. We have added a new policy that allows your agency to apply payments to only the accounts attached to a tenant's current lease. Current lease accounts have account numbers that contain the unit number in which the tenant is currently living. The policy has the following description: "Turn option on for Restricting Payments to Current Lease." When the policy is set to True, only accounts with a balance that are tied to the current lease may have a payment applied. (Case 255)

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > Profiles and Policies tab > Policies > Browse Policies screen > Maintain Policies screen

Note: If you want to apply payments to any other account/any account NOT attached to the current lease (without a unit number or with a different unit number from the unit in which the tenant is currently living), you must manually select it. When the policy is set to True, a new checkbox appears in the Take Payment Wizard: “Only take payment on current lease accounts.” By default, this checkbox will be checked, but unchecking the checkbox allows the user to override the current policy during the payment process for a particular customer.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Take Payment > Take Payment Wizard (Step 1)

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Take Payment > Take Payment Wizard (Step 1)

5. Previously, the remit/statement address used in Tenant Accounts Receivable (TAR) was the same as the remit address used in the Accounts Payable program (AP), so when the remit address was changed in AP, the remit/statement address was also automatically changed in TAR. We have enhanced TAR so that it no longer shares this information with AP, and a separately maintained mailing address now replaces the remit address. You can now maintain tenant/customer addresses, mailing addresses, and phone numbers using new buttons located on the Tenant Management and Maintain Customer Information screens. (Case 252, Case 390)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Tenant Information tab > Edit Mailing Address button/Edit Phone Number button

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Customer Information tab > Main Information and Address sub-tab > Edit Physical/Unit Address button/Edit Phone Number button

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Customer Information tab > Statement Address/Additional Information sub-tab > Edit Statement Address (Mailing) button

Note: The edit address/phone number tasks are also available as program tasks in Master Setup and can be assigned/unassigned to specific users in your organization. For more information on how to set up user security, please see the Setting Up User Security Quick Start Guide. Or, call Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

6. For ease of use, we have reorganized the program Setup screen so the setup options are organized into three separate tabs instead of one main screen. (Case 334)

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > General Settings, Developments, Units tab/Offices and Accounts tab/Profiles and Policies tab

7. On the Account Summary tab, more information about the account has been added to the bottom of the screen. Also, you can now double-click on an account in the grid to view more details about its transaction history on the View Transaction History Screen. (Case 334)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Summary tab

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Summary tab

8. On the View Transaction History screen, the created on (date and time) and created by (username) fields have been removed from the grid and placed at the bottom of the screen to reduce the amount of scrolling that the user had to do in order to view the information in the grid. Now, after you select a transaction in the grid, the information automatically appears at the bottom of the screen. (Case 334)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Summary/Account Details tabs > Tools icon drop-down list > View Transaction History > View Transaction History screen

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Summary/Account Details tabs > Tools icon drop-down list > View Transaction History > View Transaction History screen

9. When depositing to General Ledger, the bank side of the deposit now uses the bank account for the originating fund, and the cash drawer side of the deposit now uses the cash drawer account for the originating fund. (Case, 232, Case 251)

Path: Main Menu screen > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Daily Processing tab > Make Deposit > Make Deposit Wizard

10. You can now filter and print the Rent Collection Performance report by all tenants, only active tenants (tenants with a lease), only inactive tenants, and only customers. Also, the report now prints in Landscape format in Letter size (8 1/2 x 11 inches). (Case 257)

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Receivable tab > Rent Collection Report > View/Select Tenants drop-down lists

11. We have enhanced deposit reports in the following ways:

Path: Main Menu screen > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Daily Processing tab > Make Deposit > Make Deposit Wizard (Step 4) > Bank Deposit Listing

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Payments/Deposits tab > Bank Deposit Listing

Path: Main Menu screen > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Daily Processing tab > Make Deposit > Make Deposit Wizard (Step 4) > Cash Drawer Balancing Report

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Payments/Deposits tab > Cash Drawer Balancing Report

Path: Main Menu screen > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Daily Processing tab > Make Deposit > Make Deposit Wizard (Step 4) > Receipt Listing

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Payments/Deposits tab > Receipt Listing

Path: Main Menu screen > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Daily tab > Make Deposit > Make Deposit Wizard (Step 4) > Receipt Listing

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Payments/Deposits tab

12. For greater user security customization, the following tasks are now available as program tasks in Master Setup and can be assigned/unassigned to specific users in your organization: (Case 254, Case 256)
New Security Program Tasks

Note: For more information on how to set up user security, please see the Setting Up User Security Quick Start Guide. Or, call Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

13. We have added the ability to recalculate balances for an account by either removing reserves from transactions, or rebuilding apply records from the beginning of the account. (Case 465)

Note: For more information, please see the Tenant Accounts Receivable Online Help Center accessible from TenCentral.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Details tab > Wizards icon drop-down list > Recalculate Balance > Recalculate Balance Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Details tab > Wizards icon drop-down list > Recalculate Balance > Recalculate Balance Wizard

14. You can now edit account numbers, change developments (if not attached to a lease), and attach/detach accounts to/from leases on the Account Summary tab. (Case 466)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Summary tab > Edit icon

15. All of the available wizard options are now available on the View Transaction History screen. These wizards include: (Case 467)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Summary/Account Details tab > Tools icon drop-down list > View Transaction History > View Transaction History screen > Wizard icon drop-down list

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Summary/Account Details tab > Tools icon drop-down list > View Transaction History > View Transaction History screen > Wizard icon drop-down list

16. When balancing a cash drawer, if the amount to deposit plus the amount left in the drawer equals zero, the cash drawer will be automatically marked as "deposited" and there is no longer a need to make a deposit using the Make Deposit Wizard. (Case 472)

Path: Main Menu screen > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Daily Processing tab > Balance Cash Drawer > Balance Cash Drawer Wizard

17. Previously, when creating a recurring transfer, if you did not enter information in the required fields, the error message that appeared did not explain which required information needed to be entered. The message now informs you what exact fields need information. (Case 398)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Recurring Transactions tab > Wizards icon drop-down list > Add Recurring Transfer > Add Recurring Transfer Wizard (Step 1)

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Recurring Transactions tab > Wizards icon drop-down list > Add Recurring Transfer > Add Recurring Transfer Wizard (Step 1)

18. For ease of use, we have redesigned the Periodic Processing screen. The information on the Monthly Processing tab is now ordered by process and the current date appears on both tabs. (Case 274)

Path: Main Menu screen > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Daily Processing tab/Monthly Processing tab

19. When creating a credit memo/adjustment, you can now select to apply the credit memo/adjustment ONLY to charges of the same transaction type. (Case 274)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Summary/Account Details tabs > Wizards icon drop-down list > Add Credit Memo/Adjustment > Add Credit Memo Wizard (Step 1) > Apply this credit memo ONLY to charges of this same transaction type checkbox

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Summary/Account Details tabs > Wizards icon drop-down list > Add Credit Memo/Adjustment > Add Credit Memo Wizard (Step 1) > Apply this credit memo ONLY to charges of this same transaction type checkbox

Bug Reports

1. After adding a recurring transaction that occurred annually, the annual start month and annual end month would disappear and the information was no longer visible on the Recurring Transactions tab. This has been corrected and the annual start and end months are now visible. Also, more information about a transaction was needed so the following fields have been added to the Recurring Transactions tab: Trans Type (transaction type), Based on (lease or account), Created on and by, and Updated on and by. (Case 269)

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Recurring Transactions tab

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Recurring Transactions tab

2. The Balance Transfer Wizard was incorrectly allowing users to create balance transfers with invalid amounts. After a balance transfer, the amount remaining on a charge should be between 0 and the original amount of the charge. Therefore, the wizard now correctly limits how much is entered in the Amount to Apply column. (Case 270)

Note: The Balance Transfer Wizard allows users to take money applied to one charge and apply it to another charge (only charges and not payments).

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Details tab > Wizard icon drop-down list > Balance Transfer > Balance Transfer Wizard (Step 2) > Amount to Apply column

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Details tab > Wizard icon drop-down list > Balance Transfer > Balance Transfer Wizard (Step 2) > Amount to Apply column

3. We have corrected and enhanced the Aged Balance and Delinquent reports: (Case 259)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Receivable Reports screen

4. When assigning employees to receivable offices, if you typed the office or employee name instead of selecting it from the drop-down list, an error would occur. This has been corrected and you can now only select from existing offices and employees. (Case 312)

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > Offices and Accounts tab > Employees > Maintain Employees by Receivables Office screen > Add icon > Add Employee to Receivables Office Wizard (Step 1)

Work Order

Program Version:

Program Date: 4/21/2011

Bug Reports

1. If a work order was originally marked as printed before printing or print previewing the Initial Work Order Form, after closing the print/preview screen, the Printed checkbox was incorrectly being unchecked. This has been corrected. (Case 313)

Path: Main Menu screen > Maintain > Browse Work Orders screen > Maintain Work Orders screen > Main tab

2. The Employee Report was not printing. This has been corrected. (Case 264)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Work Order Report Menu screen > Settings tab > Employee report

3. Apartment numbers were not printing on the Open Work Order Listing report. Text on the report was also sometimes overlaying each other, causing the report to be difficult to read. These issues have been corrected. (Case 263)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Work Order Report Menu screen > General tab > Open Work Order Listing report

4. An error occurred when printing the Work Order AMP Invoicing Report. This has been corrected. (Case 425)

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Work Order Report Menu screen > Management Report tab

Work Order (Handheld)

Bug Report

1. The following error sometimes occurred: "A duplicate value cannot be inserted into a unique index. [ Table name = WOHeader,Constraint name = PK__WOHeader__000000000000047C ]." This has been corrected. (Case 377)

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An MRI Software Company